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Hello TrackRay Customers.

It is with our deep regret we have to inform you that after 16 years in business, TrackRay will be shutting down its services on October 31, 2024.
With fierce competition in our software service area and the proliferation of ad blockers, we are no longer able to sustain the business.
We thank you for your support over the past years and wish you the best in finding an alternative solution.

TrackRay Team

Task and Time Management Software - for Desktop and Mobile Use

Task and Time Management for your team

TrackRay is free web based Task and Time management software for mobile and desktop use.

It can track project task assignments, activities, progress status, as well as record time sheet entries and evaluate the workload of team members.

It is also known as "Issue Management System", "Defect Management System", "Bug Tracking", "Timesheet Management", "Ticket System", and "Todo List".

TrackRay can be used for work collaboration within small or large teams, for both simple and complex projects. It is used by many businesses, government agencies, education and healthcare institutions, professional services offices, and teams of individuals.

It promotes team member accountability, provides task monitoring, work visibility and insight. Various pre-made and custom reports are also available to evaluate effort spent on projects, customers, activities and more.

TrackRay Philosophy:

  1. Simple to use
    - no complicated program settings, options, or volumes of confusing manuals.
  2. Full mobile support
    - all TrackRay functionality and features are accessible by using either mobile devices (such us cell phones and smart handheld devices) or desktop computers (e.g., PC, MAC, Linux)
  3. FREE
    - no fees, bills, trial periods, hidden charges, usage limits or obligations.

TrackRay is a Web-Based Hosted Solution

You don't need to install TrackRay - it is a hosted, web-based / software-as-a-service (SAAS) solution that can be used from anywhere in the world where the Internet is available. It's cloud computing at your service.
Just use your desktop or mobile browser on Windows PC, MAC, Linux, mobile cell phone, or other device.

TrackRay is like your web-based email, except it tracks projects, tasks, and time.

Seamless Integration of Task Assignment AND Time Management Capabilities

Information can be entered in the form of either task/job/bug assignments or timesheet entries, seamlessly consolidating and cross-linking all entered data.

Many Features and Customizable - yet Simple to Use

Task/Job assignments and Time can be tracked by using pre-defined categories, such as Projects, Customers, Products, Dockets, and Activities. Or define your own custom terms - for example you may want to track local geographical areas, suppliers, or resources.

You can also define your time tracking period (for example, you can track activity on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis).

Full Mobile Support

All functionality on Mobile and Desktop PC/MAC/Linux Task and Time Tracking can be done by using an Internet capable mobile device, such as a cell phone or desktop computer. All features are accessible using either media.
(Your internet access or mobile service provider may charge some fees, depending on your agreement with them, but we do not charge any fees).
More on mobile support...


You can use TrackRay completely FREE!
It is not a trial software - it is fully functional, fairly sophisticated yet very simple to use. It has no expiry period or limit on the number of users, tasks, assignments, projects, products, or time sheet entries.

TrackRay Quick Fact Sheet
Product Categorytask/issue/bug/ticket tracking software,
time tracking software
Latest Version2.2.0
InterfaceWeb based
OS / PlatformAny - PC/Windows, MAC, Linux/Unix, Mobile...
InstallationNone required (hosted software)
Number of UsersUnlimited
Number of ProjectsUnlimited
Number of EntriesUnlimited
Alerts and NotificationsEmail/SMS
- Standard
- Custom

Data ExportASCII/TXT, XML, Excel/CSV
CustomizationUser-defined fields in task and time list view; categories such as Projects, Activities, and Customers.
StrengthsFree, easy to use, cross platform, mobile device support
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